Health and Nutrition

Turmeric Tea…a lighter alternative


Recently I had to deal with a little bit of inflammation and pain on a tooth that has given me trouble over the years. After visiting with my dentist he advised to take a few over the counter anti-inflammatories. Those who know me well have learned that I must be in my death bed before taking drugs. Call me stubborn, but I believe there are plenty of natural remedies available before you spend $20, $30, $50 on a drug.

What I really wanted was my Turmeric milk!

Complicating matters, there have been a consistent string of winter storms in my area. This area is not used to handling snow or ice, so schools have been closed regularly. My routine has been all over the place and slowed down quite a bit. Ingesting several cups of milk per day while hanging out at home didn’t seem like a good idea, but drinking several cups of tea sure did!

Playing around with my milk recipe I came up with a different “tea” version. Wonderful not only for inflammation, but also aids in digestion! A win win in my book! Give it a try! You might decide you like the old version better, but if you are watching your calorie intake this new one is for you!


How to make the tea….

Ginger tea base:

Boil 1 cup of water with about an inch piece of thinly sliced ginger. Let it simmer for 5 minutes or so. You can also make a quart of tea by boiling a quart of water with 1/4 cup of thinly sliced ginger.

Add to the ginger tea:

1 tsp of ground turmeric

1 slice of lemon

Pinch of cinnamon

Pinch of cracked peppercorn

Enjoy it warm!

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Receita em Português 

Como fazer o chá ….

Base de chá de gengibre:

Ferva 1 xícara de água com cerca de um pedaço de gengibre cortado em fatias finas. Deixe ferver por mais ou menos 5 minutos . Você também pode fazer um litro de chá fervendo um litro de água com 1/4 xícara de gengibre em fatias finas.

Adicionar ao chá de gengibre :

1 colher de chá de cúrcuma em pó

1 fatia de limão

Pitada de canela

Uma pitada de pimenta do reino

Aproveite-o quente!
